UK Bass Radio 
New_User66931 Maddie and Russ are listening 🔥
Chefmod Emoticon emoticon-7 locked in for the afternoon!! No work just big tunes !!
Chefmod 🍁😁🍄
C-Web Ez all. 🔒 for ride to wrk
C-Web No holiday over here bro
New_User66936 Tuneee
C-Web Great show bruv. Catch ya later dude
Dj reevesy thanks for locking in have a wicked one 1 luv
Bruckwise Locked cobham services 👊
Bruckwise on the dial 👊
- G-RAT - wicked
- G-RAT - rampa should be on shortly
rampa tec live
DMoney Yes Rampa wicked vibes!
- G-RAT - yes yes
- G-RAT - f**k the gremlins
New_User66949 Jd lockkkkkkkkked in
New_User66949 Whoooo wants it
FD yo!
New_User66949 When we want
FD locked in locked on
New_User66949 Wooo oiiiii
FD keep 'em coming the good tunes rampa
New_User66949 You give me love you give me joy
New_User66949 Vibessssssss ya nahhhh
FD and you better do it goooood
Hector Goose Oi oi EZ Rampa